My Thoughts on Natural, Organic, and Clean Beauty.

When discussing skincare and beauty products, I feel it is important to recognize that beauty is a personal choice. The effects of these products can differ greatly from person to person, so it’s up to each of us to decide which ingredients we are comfortable using and which we are not. 

It can be easy to view the terms natural, organic, and clean as interchangeable as oftentimes this is how they are used with respect to beauty. However, based on research I have done in choosing products that best suit me, I have found that each has a different meaning. 

Here in the United States, the term “natural” is not regulated. This means that a brand can claim to be natural due to having certain ingredients that have been derived naturally, but can still contain many others that are considered harmful. 

By contrast, a product that is “organic” is highly regulated and has met the requirements to be legally certified as such by the USDA. These products and ingredients are grown and processed under a very strict code with no pesticides or fertilizers. While organic ingredients are widely considered to be pure, this does not necessarily guarantee that they will not be irritating. 

Similar to natural products, “clean” products are not regulated. In the beauty industry, clean beauty is sought after because it signifies that a product contains ingredients that are considered non-toxic. These products can include organic as well as synthetic ingredients. While I tend to prefer to use clean beauty products, one personal disclaimer I would offer is that here in the US the FDA has only banned 30 chemicals as opposed to the EU where over 1,300 cosmetic products known or suspected to cause cancer and reproductive harm have been banned. It is important to keep in mind that, by and large, what is considered “clean” is left up to the brand to decide. 

As a consumer, it is in your best interest to educate yourself on what these ingredients are and whether they might pose any risk to your health. In doing so, you can develop your own take on what you consider to be clean beauty, what you are comfortable using, and what to steer clear of. 

Personally I prefer to use the word clean because it’s the term that best represents the products I choose. I am comfortable using both organic and synthetic Ingredients, however in order for me to use them, these products must be free of ingredients that are known to cause harm to human health or cause irritation.

I have included links to resources that provide information on products and their ingredients to help you on your journey to clean up your routine!

I am always learning more about this so I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on these subjects. My hope is to promote a general awareness of clean beauty and I am excited to engage others who may not have considered clean beauty before. I look forward to learning and growing together, thank you so much for reading!



Credo Beauty - I love Credo! They have banned 2,700 ingredients and will only partner with brands who do not use the ingredients on their list. They are transparent and provide explanation on the impact these ingredients can have on your health:

Think Dirty. I have included the link below, however you have to download the app to utilize the features. This is a great way to learn more about products and whether or not their specific ingredients are Dirty, Half N Half, or clean. They also provide information on their usage and health impacts.


Why is Clean Beauty Important to me?